Jon, Gary, Jolene and Case are up and at the front door just before 6:30am, excited that the predicted morning rain is instead fair sunny skies! Jolene is up and smiling but doesn't have her eyes open yet.

Case and Jolene waiting for the start gun.

Were off! Coming into Stanley Park just out of downtown Vancouver.

Gaile and Julia, part of the cheering squad, take their places right outside our hotel awaiting the runners.

Possible future runners David and Mathew watch and wait

to cheer Dad on!

Jon shows us how the half marathon is done, later coming in with a 1:46.

Inspiring views of Vancouver on a surprisingly sunny day!

Uncle Gary put in his time training for this marathon and we were all hopeful his great efforts would pay off.

The half marathon had a steep .5 mile hill.

This pic was taken on the fly maybe somewhere around mile 7.

Stanley Park with great views of the city made this course a lot of fun.

Runners glow at the finish line, Case and I sport endorphin pumped smiles after posting a 2:22 for the half marathon.

Uncle Gary basks in his accomplishment, a Boston Marathon qualifying time of 3:45! All those training runs paid off!

Runners glow and plastic wraps help shrug off the cool breezes that quickly cool our sweaty bodies.

It was then time to pack up and head back across the boarder where Gary and Gail dropped us off at the Seattle airport.

It was a short fun filled memory packed weekend!
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