An overview of our year....
As you may or may not know, we spent the past year (and change) as jobless, homeless, rootless travel bums. We provide here a few snap shots outlining some of our "sabbatical travels" (beginning with most recent). The many other blog entries detail our trips, trials, thoughts, and impressions in photos and text. If you are interested in more detail, click on any of purple colored text to jump to that section.
We've been home (more or less) since September 18. You'll have to wait until next year for news of the time since then. It's a lot more boring than our trip stories, anyway. And, by the way, if you're looking for photos and news of extended family or friends, good luck. We discovered that, in the enjoyment of people we love, we forget about taking pictures, etc. So, if we visited YOU and you're disappointed to not find your picture here... well, um... send us one & we'll post it.
And now, without further ado, the Reader's Digest version:
Click here for September 1-18, 2007
A cruise back across the Atlantic via Norway, Faroe Islands, Iceland Greenland and New York and HOME!
Click here for August 1-31, 2007
The Swiss Alps and cycling 475 miles through Holland with Uncle Gary and Aunt Gail
Click here for July 1-31, 2007
Home exchange in Switzerland, Germany and France (Yes, that is a summer snow storm in Switzerland!)
Click here for June 1-30, 2007
Holland, Germany and a Baltic Cruise
Click here for May 1-31, 2007
Italy, Greek Island Cruise and home exchange in Holland
Click here for April 5-30, 2007
Florida Keys, Orlando, a Trans Atlantic Cruise including Azore Islands, Ireland, England, destined for Italy.
Click here for January, 2007
Chile and backpacking Torres del Paine (TDP)
Click here for November- December 2006
South American travels through Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Falkland Islands
Sailing Channel Islands and Camping Yosemite
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