Sunday, January 21, 2007

TDP Day #3 - Glaciers in the fog

Today, we were slated to hike into Valle Frances, lying between the Massif and the Cuernos. It´s a steep, deep, heavily glaciated valley. However, we awoke to low clouds and fog, so after an initial foray to see as much as could be seen, we opted to continue along the Circuit around the mountains, rather than into them.

Weather is definitely the wild card on these ventures, as we were to learn.

This part of the trip was along the "W", a portion of the Circuit that is accessible to the average day hiker. Folks with a good set of legs can haul a sleeping bag and little else along this portion, sleeping and eating in wilderness hostels along the way, and taking in the most spectacular (and least remote) parts of the circuit. I suppose there were a hundred people staying in each campsite along this portion. However, we felt our daily hikes were still relatively untroubled, as parties started out at different times and different speeds, so we hiked in relative seclusion most of the time.

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